Kayla Asbell

Brooklyn-based Actor, Writer & Musician

Theater Mitu's feature in The New York Times!

This is not fake news! The New York Times did a beautiful feature about Theater Mitu, our new multi-disciplinary arts venue in Gowanus, Mitu580, and our world premiere of our new piece, REMNANT. It’s a meditation on death, trauma and loss and what remains in their wake. I’m so thrilled to put this piece into the world— I had the privilege of traveling the world to do research for this piece— including going to India and Nepal to learn about death rituals, Cambodia to speak to survivors of genocide, Israel and Egypt to speak to former soldiers, and across the United States to interview survivors of Military Sexual Trauma. Please join us in the first ever production in our new space, Mitu580— we’d love to welcome you with what I believe to be a very healing piece.